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Are you a wine or food business in need of some
social media assistance?

I would love to help you! I live and breathe social media, and I can come up with a fantastic, personalised plan for your Facebook & Instagram accounts to help your business. 


In this day and age, social media is such an important tool to be using for your business, especially in the wine & food industries. Instagram & Facebook are the first two places people look when researching where to go when they’re on a trip, and if they’re not up to scratch, you’re likely to be losing potential customers. I’d love to be the one to help you elevate your online presence, share your story with your customers (and further afield!) and create plenty of brand awareness.  


I work in the wine industry, and I have also worked in the food industry.
I know I’m the perfect person
for the job!


Please see below my current packages and inclusions:

Rosé Package

$399 a month


  • 2 Instagram posts a week

  • 2 Facebook posts a week

  • 3 stories a week across both channels

  • Community management and engagement

  • Option to create ad campaigns (additional ad spend budget required)

Pinot Noir Package

$499 a month


  • 3 Instagram posts a week (including 1 reel over the month)

  • 3 Facebook posts a week

  • 5 stories a week across both channels

  • Community management and engagement

  • Option to create ad campaigns (additional ad spend budget required)

Champagne Package

$599 a month


  • 5 Instagram posts a week (including 2 reels over the month)

  • 5 Facebook posts a week

  • 8 stories a week across both channels

  • Community management and engagement

  • Option to create ad campaigns (additional ad spend budget required)

Want more? If none of the above packages fit for you, let’s chat! I can come up with a customised plan that’s exactly what you’re looking for.


All packages require a $399 one-off set up fee, which covers the creation of the content library (that you will have full access to forever). I will come to you for half a day and capture content for me to use across all social channels. We will talk about the specifics, but it could be bottle shots, finalised dishes, product photography etc. plus video content for stories and reels. This fee also includes all editing of imagery. Like I mentioned, you will have access to this content library forever, after it’s been made.


Each package will come with a personalised content plan, after we’ve sat down together and figured out your goals for your social accounts.

And on top of the above, there are so many things we can think about adding –

eg. an influencer campaign, weekly or monthly newsletters to your customer database, or ongoing blog posts for your website.


Bonus: I’m based in the beautiful Southern Highlands in NSW, and if you’re a local Highlands business, you get the added bonus of me being in the area! And being a foodie & a wino, I’m likely to just pop into your restaurant, store or winery anyway, and any footage or content I capture when I’m there will add to your content library, free of charge.


So what’s the benefit of choosing me to do your social media?

  • I’m someone you can build a relationship with, and you’re not paying someone you’re never 
    going to meet.

  • I’m in the wine industry, and I have been in the food industry, so I know what these worlds
    are all about.

  • I’m a writer by trade, so storytelling is what it’s all about for me, and I enjoy finding fresh
    ways to tell the story of a business and keeping ahead of the social trends.

  • If you’re local to the Highlands, I live here too. I’m likely to be one of your customers already,
    and it’s probable that I’ll be popping in to see you on my own time anyway!


I can’t wait to help you smash those business & social media goals. To get the conversation started, flick me email and I’ll be in touch:


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